How to find HOPE through Jesus Christ
--My Personal Testimony and an Invitation from Jesus Himself.
Two great sites to check out.
How to find HOPE through Jesus Christ
--My Personal Testimony and an Invitation from Jesus Himself.
Two great sites to check out.
I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior at age eight when someone told me who He was and how he loved me. They showed me the Holy Bible which tells the story. Our Father God is a loving God, but also a just God who had to make a way for sins to be forgiven, so He sent His Son to earth because He so loved the world and wants none to perish.
I came to know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior at age eight when someone told me who He was and how he loved me. They showed me the Holy Bible which tells the story. Our Father God is a loving God, but also a just God who had to make a way for sins to be forgiven, so He sent His Son to earth because He so loved the world and wants none to perish.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to earth in the land of Israel to die on the cross for our sins and to rise from the dead the third day. He welcomes anyone who will come to belief in Him and repent (turn away) from their sins, and accept Him as their Savior and Lord. Then he gives them new life. Those who do so and try to live their lives according to the Bible can rightly call themselves Christians. Jesus promises heaven for them for all eternity.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came to earth in the land of Israel to die on the cross for our sins and to rise from the dead the third day. He welcomes anyone who will come to belief in Him and repent (turn away) from their sins, and accept Him as their Savior and Lord. Then he gives them new life. Those who do so and try to live their lives according to the Bible can rightly call themselves Christians. Jesus promises heaven for them for all eternity.
Jesus gives hope, forgiveness and peace like no other belief system can. There's nothing you can do to deserve or gain His love. He loves you right now just as you are. Yes, YOU. But He does want you to accept by faith and believe that He is the son of God and the only way to the Father in heaven. Then repent and tell him you are sorry for your sins and ask Him to become the Lord of your life. You will receive wonderful peace, help and hope and find deliverance from the enemy's chains of fear, anger and unhappiness. Then find a Bible-teaching church fellowship and attend regularly. Find a Bible, read it daily and pray daily to the Father in Jesus' name.
Jesus gives hope, forgiveness and peace like no other belief system can. There's nothing you can do to deserve or gain His love. He loves you right now just as you are. Yes, YOU. But He does want you to accept by faith and believe that He is the son of God and the only way to the Father in heaven. Then repent and tell him you are sorry for your sins and ask Him to become the Lord of your life. You will receive wonderful peace, help and hope and find deliverance from the enemy's chains of fear, anger and unhappiness. Then find a Bible-teaching church fellowship and attend regularly. Find a Bible, read it daily and pray daily to the Father in Jesus' name.
Christianity is the "religion" that founded our great nation of America and following its principles as written in the Holy Bible, have been what has made the United States of America the great nation it is today. Jesus Christ is the only way to God, according to His own testimony in John 14:6 listed below.
Christianity is the "religion" that founded our great nation of America and following its principles as written in the Holy Bible, have been what has made the United States of America the great nation it is today. Jesus Christ is the only way to God, according to His own testimony in John 14:6 listed below.

The United States of America is now in need of a Spiritual Awakening--a visitation from God. Many have turned back from Biblical principles; such as honoring and protecting the unborn baby and marriage only between one man and one woman, and saving sex for marriage. Others have loved money more than God and excused many other things the Bible declares wrong. We believe God is calling America to repent and return to Him if we expect to continue to have his protection from judgment and terrorists. We must come back to the one True God in Jesus Christ!
The United States of America is now in need of a Spiritual Awakening--a visitation from God. Many have turned back from Biblical principles; such as honoring and protecting the unborn baby and marriage only between one man and one woman, and saving sex for marriage. Others have loved money more than God and excused many other things the Bible declares wrong. We believe God is calling America to repent and return to Him if we expect to continue to have his protection from judgment and terrorists. We must come back to the one True God in Jesus Christ!
How to find hope: Do you know my friend, Jesus? He has been my strength and helper for many years. Would you like to make a decision right now? He loves you and wants so much to become your Lord and Savior and help you every day. Please read the following scriptures from the Bible and decide to pray the suggested prayer. Please let me know if you do, so I can rejoice with you!
How to find hope: Do you know my friend, Jesus? He has been my strength and helper for many years. Would you like to make a decision right now? He loves you and wants so much to become your Lord and Savior and help you every day. Please read the following scriptures from the Bible and decide to pray the suggested prayer. Please let me know if you do, so I can rejoice with you!
Jesus is waiting to welcome YOU when you believe the below scriptures and come to Him. No matter what you've done, He will forgive and save you. You can pray the prayer below the scriptures.
Jesus is waiting to welcome YOU when you believe the below scriptures and come to Him. No matter what you've done, He will forgive and save you. You can pray the prayer below the scriptures.

"For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16
"But the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23
"But the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23
"I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father but by me." John 14:6
"I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father but by me." John 14:6
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you are the Son of God, and that you came to earth to die for my sins, and you arose from the dead the third day. I ask you to forgive me of all my sins and I accept you in my heart as the one true God. Help me study the Bible and turn from all wrong things I've been doing and find a strong Bible-teaching church to attend and grow strong. Thank you for saving me. Help me share the good news of your salvation with others and live for you each day. Amen
Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, I believe you are the Son of God, and that you came to earth to die for my sins, and you arose from the dead the third day. I ask you to forgive me of all my sins and I accept you in my heart as the one true God. Help me study the Bible and turn from all wrong things I've been doing and find a strong Bible-teaching church to attend and grow strong. Thank you for saving me. Help me share the good news of your salvation with others and live for you each day. Amen
Check out these three very helpful sites:
Check out these three very helpful sites:
www.JourneyAnswers.com for help with anxiety, depression, shame, illness and request prayer and a response.
www.JourneyAnswers.com for help with anxiety, depression, shame, illness and request prayer and a response.
www.WhoJesusIs.coma great video about Jesus and other information to help you!
www.WhoJesusIs.coma great video about Jesus and other information to help you!
www.GlobalFriendLink.com Join a faith community and find a Bible-teaching church!
www.GlobalFriendLink.com Join a faith community and find a Bible-teaching church!
Now call someone and tell them about your decision and contact me on the contact link! I am so happy for your decision and want to send you encouragement. --God bless you, Elva Martin
Now call someone and tell them about your decision and contact me on the contact link! I am so happy for your decision and want to send you encouragement. --God bless you, Elva Martin

Your new life in Christ can blossom like this rose! One of Jesus' names is the Rose of Sharon, which is actually in the hibiscus family. Hibiscus plants have NO THORNS.
Your new life in Christ can blossom like this rose! One of Jesus' names is the Rose of Sharon, which is actually in the hibiscus family. Hibiscus plants have NO THORNS.