.Some Links to check out! (Just "ctrl+click" on most of them!)
The Holy Spirit is the biggest search engine of all! So spend time with Him first.
Link to all Elva's books on Amazon:
Link to all Elva's books on Amazon:
ACFW-SC Chapter blog http://scwritersacfw.com
ACFW-SC Chapter blog http://scwritersacfw.com
www.acfw.com American Christian Fiction Writers.
www.acfw.com American Christian Fiction Writers.
Edie Melson's blog http://thewriteconversation.com
Edie Melson's blog http://thewriteconversation.com
http://www.vistaprint.com/frf?frf=935987294052 (Use this link to design great business cards or a web site like this one---easy & at very little cost!
Here's a list of writing helps:
Here's a list of writing helps:
www.christianwritersguild.com (Jerry B.Jenkins’ group)
.preditorsandeditors.com (great site for checking ratings on agents, publishing houses, contests and lots of things relating to writers and scams)
www.writerspeaker.com (excellent articles and advice on many levels)
www.ezinearticles.com (great help on writing ezine articles)
www.noveljourney.blogspot.com get testimonies from new authors
www.terriblackstock.com (a great romantic suspense writer)
www.christianwritersguild.com (Jerry B.Jenkins’ group)
.preditorsandeditors.com (great site for checking ratings on agents, publishing houses, contests and lots of things relating to writers and scams)
www.writerspeaker.com (excellent articles and advice on many levels)
www.ezinearticles.com (great help on writing ezine articles)
www.noveljourney.blogspot.com get testimonies from new authors
www.terriblackstock.com (a great romantic suspense writer)
Links about tea and plantations! www.bigelowtea.com
Links about tea and plantations! www.bigelowtea.com
Links about stopping Human Trafficking (my strong desire)
www.sharedhope.org (frees slaves in USA and over the world)
www.ijm.org (frees slaves over the world)
Trucking & Human Trafficking - lanierlawfirm.com/trucking-and-human-trafficking/
Links about stopping Human Trafficking (my strong desire)
www.sharedhope.org (frees slaves in USA and over the world)
www.ijm.org (frees slaves over the world)
Trucking & Human Trafficking - lanierlawfirm.com/trucking-and-human-trafficking/
Recommended Books To Sharpen Your Writing Skills!
(Hint: buy used on Internet for great savings, Amazon.com or Ebay)
The Emotion Thesaurus - Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglist (Great!)
Rivet Your Readers with Deep Point of View - Jill Elizabeth Nelson (Must have)
Christian Writers’ Market Guide (new each year) - Jerry B. Jenkins
Elements of Style – William Strunk (all those little grammar problems)
Writing for the Soul – Jerry B. Jenkins (author of Left Behind series)
Complete Idiots Guide to Writing Christian Fiction – Ron Benrey (great!)
Self-Editing for Fiction Writers – Rennie Browne and Dave King (great!)
Story - Robert McKee (essential for playwrights, good for all writers)
How to Write and Sell A Christian Novel – Gilbert Morris (good)
Writing the Christian Romance - Gail Gaymer Martin
Dialog: Techniques & Exercises – Gloria Kempton
Getting Into Character – Brandilyn Collins
Building Believable Characters – Marc McCutcheon, Writers Digest
Word Painting – Rebecca McClanahan
Make Your Words Work – Gary Provost
Selling Your Book – John Vonhof
Book Proposals That Sell – Terry Whalin (mostly for non-fiction)
The Everything Guide to Writing Children’s Books – Lesley Bolton